Often referred to as the candlenut tree, the fruit of this tree, the Kukui Nut, is a multi-facited creation of nature.
Kukui nut oil contains very high levels of the essential fatty acids linoleic and alpha-linolenic. Kukui nut oil is readily absorbed by the skin providing tissues with essential elements that provides effective relief for the symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, dry skin and acne. There are no proven cures for eczema and psoriasis.
The outer part of the fruit is a hard green covering about 1/4 inch thick when immature and as it matures it turns a dark grayish-black and softens. This portion of the fruit decays rapidly after it falls to the ground. Enclosed within are one or two hard, stone like, wrinkled nuts. When young the shell of the nut is whitish, but as it matures it turns brown, then black.
The oil has a shelf life of 12-14 months, and should not be exposed to heat.
Popular uses of kukui nut oil:
- Hair and scalp conditioner; bath oil
- Relief for sunburned skin; may have slight sunscreen capabilities
- Some hospitals and cancer centers in Hawaii are using kukui nut oil to help relieve the pain of burns caused by radiation therapy
- Beneficial for dry skin and skin affected by acne
- Nut meat can be mixed with other ingredients and used as an exfoliant
- Has been used for stretch marks and cellulite reduction, but with mixed results
more interesting historical facts here
The kukui nut lei is a standard staple in any Polynesian dance troop.
It's also a beautiful accent to everyday attire as well!
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