Proprioception (pro-pree-o-sep-sh?n) is the body's ability to realize its place in space. If a dancer or athelete is moving into a position that could sprain his or her ankle, increased proprioception can decrease the risk by alerting the athlete to the danger.
Proprioception can also improve a dancers performance. A dancer with superior balance and awareness will be able to control his or her body more effectively.
Proprioceptive training is done with balance exercises.
In our Wednesday's Aloha Allure Hula fitness training we spend quite a bit of time on balance exercises. We are strengthening the ankles without even thinking about it. A very important part of being able to be flexible and balanced....healthy strong ankles help not only your ankles, but improves movement in your knees and hips as well...Who would have "THUNK" it? :)
Here are a few exercises you can do at home every day to increase your body's proprioception.
Balance Training
- Standing on one leg: Hold for 30 seconds, working up to one minute per leg. Do this while you're standing in line at the supermarket!

- One leg mini squats: On one leg do a half squat with the opposite leg out front for 10 reps, out to the side for 10 reps and behind for 10 reps. Repeat three times.
- Raise yourself up on the tips of your toes, Remain on your toes for six seconds, Slowly return to standing position, Repeat 10 times
- Rock back on your heals lifting your toes off the floor, Remain on your heals for six seconds, Slowly return to standing position. Repeat 10 times (this is also a good postion to be in when you do your warm-up ami's)
- Walk backwards slowly, placing your back foot toe down first and tightening you buttocks at the same time holding for 5 seconds. Repeat 20 times
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